What is ICF?

The International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) is the international standard for framing, describing, recording and measuring functioning and disability (WHO 2001).

The ICF conceptualises a person’s level of functioning as a dynamic interaction between their health conditions, environmental factors, and personal factors. Functioning and disability are on a continuum and are described in terms of body structures and body functions / impairments, activities / activity limitations and participation / participation restrictions. Environmental factors can be described as of barriers or facilitators and may indicate what needs to change to support people to achieve their maximum level of functioning and realising their rights to participate in society.

Ethical guidelines for use of the ICF include the need for respect and confidentiality and ensuring that people have opportunities for participating in recording functioning (Annex 6).

Since publication in 2001, the ICF has been updated. The latest version can be found online. The WHO website includes resources to facilitate ICF use, including the ICF Practical Manual.

Download the ICF Practical Manual:
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